The Chinese Fan Palm enjoys a lot of bright light. It is best to keep the palm in an area where it will not receive a lot of direct sunlight. It will also do very well in areas where it receives filtered light (partial shade). Indoors a south or east facing window would be ideal.
Office, Patio, Livingroom
Water Habits
Chinese Fan Palm will grow best in a moist environment, so it is important not to allow the soil to dry between waterings. Lightly water until the soil becomes a dark color, but not to the point the soil is no longer able to absorb the water..
Ideal Temperature for Chinese fan: 62-80°F (17-27°C) Min: 40°F (4°C)
Toxins Removed
Benzene, Formaldehyde, Carbon Monoxide
Did You Know ?
The botanical name for the Chinese Fan Palm is Livistona chinensis which falls under the genus Livistona. This evergreen palm originates from Southern China and grows to a height of about 3 meters (approx 10 ft) if all conditions are correct.